Monday, 26 September 2022




Definition: - In short noun is naming word.

Everything has name in the world. Planets, persons, animals, birds, trees, places, things etc.

Types of noun:

1)    PROPER NOUN: Proper noun means particular and specific name of things. It is always start with capital letter.

Example: Delhi, Saumya, Kim, Dolly etc.

1)    Rohan follows the root of God.

2)    He likes Rajkot.

3)    Dotty is a dog.

4)    Pallavi is a teacher.

5)    Kanya is a good daughter.

6)    Radhakrishna is a high tower.

7)    Paris is a clean city.

8)    Virat is a strong player.

9)    Sania gaves nice speech.

10)          Reynold is a big brand.  

11)          Diwali is a festival of lights.

12)          Saraswati is a goddess of knowledge.

13)          We are living in India.

14)          It is a Dell’s laptop.

15)          I got the new Real mi phone.

16)          Raj is a young actor.

17)          He gets powerful Ajanta watch.

18)          Aaroh sings sweetly.

19)          They met in the park on Monday.

20)          Who is Rashi?





We can say it a general or common name of anything is a common noun.

Example: river, country, road, plains, bird, writer, friend etc.

1.   we are eating food.

2.   It is a snail.

3.   They bought a car.

4.   She walks on the road.

5.   You read a book.

6.   Children plays football.

7.   Do you read magazines?

8.   Teacher explains the story.

9.   This is a bus.

10.                     They go to school.

11.                     We want juice.

12.                     She blow a balloon.

13.                     The doctor treats the ill.

14.                     I write a letter

15.                     She rubs lamp.

16.                     It walks in the grass.

17.                     They plant a tree.

18.                     A dog sleeps on the bed.

19.                     I save money.

20.                     My house is close to the mall.

21.                     It is a fort.

22.                     This is a soft toy.

23.                     I burnt my finger.

24.                     I spilled the tea.

25.                     What a beautiful butterfly is this!

26.                     They play a game.

27.                     He listened songs.

28.                     Don’t argue the king.

29.                     What is on the table?

30.                     It is a Math’s puzzle.  

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  COLLECTIVE NOUN: Definition:  About this kind we can say it is a group name of things, animals, persons which they represent. Example: It ...